I bought a toaster
Yes I know what you might think... is it really worth talkng about this on a blog? But I think the answer is YES, because I consider this as a life changing event here :-)
There is again one thing you have to know about Valencia: If you need tools, cheap sunnglasses, cheap toiletpaper or a toaster you go either to Tedi (Yes that exists here in spain) or to an asian 1 euro shop. You can find them behind every second corner, some are bigger, some smaller, some are called "Hong Kong Market" and others "Ben Market". I recently discovered that there is a huge one on Blasco Ibañez and I went there several times already.
But the toaster (el tostador in spanish) I bought at Tedi. The fun thing is that the signs on all artikels are in german. Spanish is just smallprint. But stuff is really cheap here. I got a toaster for 15€ and a watercooker for my flatmate Rieke for just 10€. The nex challenge was bringing stuff back home using the valenbisi... But luckily I also bought a roll of packaging tape, so I just taped everything together and got home safely.